Eric Nachtigall

RF Architect and IoT Developer

About Me

I am an RF Engineer with experience ranging from DC design through K+ Band RF hardware. My strengths lie in systems architecture and analyis, specification translation and derivation, and implementing real systems solutions.

HW and Systems I have designed can be found in orbit, in cars and planes, and one day in the hands of consumers.

  • Name: Eric Nachtigall
  • Age: 28
  • Occupation: RF Engineer
  • Experience: 7 Years
  • Speciality: HW and Systems Engineering
  • Frequencies: DC to Daylight

My skills range from HW and SW to integration and team leadership. Outside of RF, I dabble in mechatronics systems, signal processing, and computer science. In this area I have experience with many consumer microcontrollers, PCB design and manufacturing, lab skills, and real world product design.


RF Systems Analysis

From link budgets to component level cascade analysis, I can characterize a system.

RF Protocol Selection

Sometimes it is hard to decide which way you want to move your bits - let me help you out with that.

PCB Design

I have experience designing custom PCBs for RF systems, sensor systems, and robotics systems. I can design on rigid and rigid-flex PCBs. I have formal training in DFx methods. Whether you want a one off board for development or a prototype for a full commerical system, I can help you out.

RF Automation

I have experience using Python, Linux, and other software tools to automate collection of RF and electronics test data.

Machine Learning Applications

My MS Thesis was in applied machine learning for RF device diagnostics. I have experience with implmenting machine learning models for CV, SLAM, and Data Processing applications.


I have experience writing software for microcontrollers in C/C++, Processing, and MicroPython. I have written software and scripts for portable use in Bash, Java, C/C++, Python, JS, and Go.

What I Have Designed

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SBIRS Satellite Hardware

Communications Hardware for Lockheed Martin.

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TSIS-2 Communications System

S-Band Full Duplex Comms System for NASA Science Mission.

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US Space Force EWS Weather Satellite Comms System

S-X Band Comms System with Global and Spot Coverage.

Contact Me